Cloud Computing
- Dec 27, 2019
Technology Benefits
Know Everything about Cloud Computing
With the huge growth in internet technology, we are seeing various advanced facilities making our crucial works much easier than earlier times. Cloud computing is one of these technologies.
There are lots of business applications of this advanced technology. It is allowing us to make the best use of remote servers to do various types of works.
In this article, we are going to discuss everything about this highly effective and advanced practice.
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet. Large clouds, predominant today, often have functions distributed over multiple locations from central servers.-Wikipedia
The technology is growing at a great pace just like digital marketing and has many benefits like other popular online business technologies, for example, AR & VR, Growth Hacking, etc.
Cloud computing is the concept of delivery of IT services and resources like data storage, data analyzing, management, processing, networking, servers, software development, mobile app development, and software testing, etc. over the internet as per the demand. Today, many baking & finance companies are also using cloud computing services to manage fraud detection through machine learning. As the name suggests, this technology allows us to do most of the computing works on cloud servers. We do not use the physical storage and computation devices in this technology. We just need an appropriate system to send and retrieve data to get the most out of this service.
As per our needs, we can easily use any size of cloud storage and computation capabilities on the cloud servers.
Cloud computing allows us to get customizable storage and management solutions because we pay only for the cloud resources we use.
Types of Cloud Services:-
Public Cloud Services – Services offered to the general public on free of cost basis.
Private Cloud Services – Services offered to specific clients on a paid basis.
What are the advantages of Cloud Computing?
Unlimited Storage Capacity
The biggest benefit of cloud computing is, storage capacity can be used as per the need. This means storage capacity can be easily expanded or reduced as per the requirement with a very nominal fee.
Easy Implementation
It is very easy to implement it without disturbing the same business applications and processes. The cloud infrastructure is readily available to use quickly and easily.
Cloud computing is Affordable
Using cloud computing services is much affordable than using huge physical resources to do the same works. We do not have to purchase complex computer systems and storage devices and physical servers, once we start using this technology.
More Reliable than the traditional systems
The cloud computing services are highly reliable and secured. The cloud servers handle, store, and manage your data with complete preciseness. This helps the individuals and corporations to easily have the most effective solutions which are backed by strong encryption tactics.
Better Insights into the data
It is easy to look upon our performance and other analytics effectively when we utilize cloud computing services. Whether you are working in the android app development or any other industry, this technology will help you to keep track of your performance effectively.
It offers Mobility
One of the major things that make this technology highly popular is mobility. We can easily access any type of online data using smartphones and other mobile devices. It helps the organizations and the employees to work from anywhere and anytime they want. Also, you do not have to go for a separate Android mobile application or IOS mobile application.
Easy to Manage Data
It is often very easy to store the data and get back up of data from the Cloud Servers. This helps us to easily make all of our business works highly effective and efficient for us.
What are the Disadvantages of Cloud Computing?
Limited Customization Options
Cloud Computing is cheaper because of economies of scale. Users are also limited to control and manage their applications, data, and services.
Privacy & Confidentiality
As you are sharing your strategic and confidential information with the 3rd party cloud computing service provider, privacy and data security become the major issue in this.
Downtime is also a major component to be taken into consideration while choosing the service provider.
Depends on the internet connectivity
Speed depends on good internet connectivity. But it will definitely be a great experience with the advantages of 5G.
Lower Bandwidth
Cloud Service Providers may restrict the bandwidth usage of their users.
Lack of Support
Most of the service providers want their users to read the pre-written answers to their problems i.e. faqs in the case of a problem.
Types of Cloud Computing Models
There are three main types of Cloud computing models that are used worldwide. Depending on your needs, you can easily choose any of these:-
1. SaaS (Software as a Service)
In the software as a service (SaaS) model, users gain access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. SaaS is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software" and is usually priced on a pay-per-use basis or using a subscription fee. In the SaaS model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and cloud users access the software from cloud clients. Cloud users do not manage the cloud infrastructure and platform where the application runs. This eliminates the need to install and run the application on the cloud user's own computers, which simplifies maintenance and support.-Wikipedia
2. PaaS (Platform as a Service)
PaaS vendors offer a development environment to application developers. The provider typically develops toolkit and standards for development and channels for distribution and payment. In the PaaS models, cloud providers deliver a computing platform, typically including operating system, programming-language execution environment, database, and a web server. Application developers develop and run their software on a cloud platform instead of directly buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers.-Wikipedia
3. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
"Infrastructure as a service" (IaaS) refers to online services that provide high-level APIs used to dereference various low-level details of underlying network infrastructure like physical computing resources, location, data partitioning, scaling, security, backup, etc.-Wikipedia
Main Cloud Deployment Models
Along with these main types of cloud computing models, there are different types of cloud computing deployment tactics from which you can easily choose your desired one. Unlike customized software development, cloud computing systems are developed in various types of methods.
1. Public Cloud - This cloud is available for public uses on a subscription basis.
2. Private Cloud - A Private Cloud is infrastructured for a particular client/organization. This type of cloud is expensive than the public.
3. Hybrid Cloud - It is a mixture of interconnected Private and Public Cloud Infrastructure.
4. Community Cloud - This is related to the model, where multiple organizations share the common services or resources related to a community.
Other Cloud Deployment Models
1. Multi-Cloud
2. Poly Cloud
3. Big Data Cloud
4. HPC Cloud
5. Distributed Cloud
List of most Reputed Cloud Computing Service Providers
There are several industry pioneers in cloud computing. They are allowing us to have these services using their huge cloud networks and advanced management tactics. Some of the popular cloud computing service provider firms are as follows.
We are free to choose any of these popular cloud computing networks to have the best services for any type of works. Finding a good cloud computing service has now become easier than finding an eCommerce website development firm. You are free to opt for affordable prices depending on your personal or business needs. These services will surely help you to fulfill your core objectives effectively.
The cloud computing technology is growing at a great pace. It is assumed that we are going to see various other advancements in this field in the upcoming days.
After the above discussion, we would still suggest you ask yourself some important questions as below:
1. Is my Data Secure with Cloud Computing?
2. Is Mobility always possible with Cloud Computing?
3. What if Cloud Fails?
And it would be better to take Technology Consultancy before switching to the cloud.
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Apr 01, 2020Hi, I really like your blog and also the way in which you tell about cloud computing and also its advantages and disadvantages I also post blogs in cloud services..