Cyber Security - A Crucial Need in today online world
- Jan 25, 2020
Database Management
Is Cybersecurity a crucial need in today’s online world?
It is important to keep your information safe from various online threats. We hear about numerous online security breaches regularly. As the internet is making things easier for us, it is also opening the doors for data thefts. This thing can impact businesses a lot. Even, various popular companies such as Facebook, Yahoo, and Equifax have faced cyber-attacks. Latest, what we are hearing about is the cyber-attacks through various mobile apps. So, if whether you are owning a business or not, cybersecurity is a big concern for every one of us these days. So, in this article, we are going to know about its importance below.
What is Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is a technology or a process developed to keep networks, devices, data, and other online assets safe from various dangers. The cybersecurity professionals handle various tasks in which the development, maintenance, and deployment of online security systems are involved. The main purpose of using cybersecurity services is to safeguard the information that matters to us a lot. Creating cybersecurity plans and advanced implementation tactics are crucial to get the most out of these services.
Neglecting the importance of cybersecurity can have huge negative impacts on businesses too. The companies have to face huge losses when their online assets are hacked. Whether they are servers, mobile applications, or business websites, cybersecurity is an important thing when you are active in any competitive industry domain.
Areas covered in Cybersecurity
1. Application Security
2. Information Security
3. Network Security
4. Disaster Recovery
Popular Types of Cyber Threats
There are various kinds of cyber attacks that the scammers can use. As the levels of technology are increasing, the potency of these attacks is also growing. Some of the main types of cyber threats are as follows.
The word phishing was coined around 1996 by hackers stealing America Online accounts and passwords. These hooks are set to fish the confidential data from the sea of internet users. Phishing is a popular cyber-attack tactic that targets people using fraudulent Emails from reputable sources. The core motto of phishing is to steal information such as login and other financial details. Forged Links requests personal information by creating a sense of urgency. Phishing not only targets the confidential information but it may also inject viruses to the user’s hardware system. Phishing can be of following types;-
Vishing – Phishing over phone calls.
Smishing - Phishing through SMS.
Search Engine Phishing – Fake Landing Page for specific keywords
Spear Phishing – Email to selected users.
Whaling – Same like Spear Phishing, but more specific.
These are special software designed to get into your computers without your authorization. Malware is malicious software, which infects not only the user’s computer but also other systems that are in direct communication. Malware is created with a particular objective depending on the imagination of its creator. Types of a Malware attack are:-
Trojan Horse – A program which looks like a useful application or a game, as soon as user download, it starts acting on the target.
Virus – It is a malware which infects other programs/files/operating system/hard drive via coding.
Worm – It is like a real worm, can do anything and be anywhere. It affects not only one user but infects the network of computers connected to each other in any way through a server or the internet. It can also put anything on your hardware and make a door for hackers to enter.
It is one of the most popular cybercrimes which is designed to get money by restricting your access to your computer or important files inside it. You will never be able to see those files or use your computer until you do not pay for it.
The attackers use various other cyber attacking tactics including XSS attacks, SQL injection attack, Password attacks, etc. All these different cyber attacking tactics are developed to fulfill different types of illegal requirements. It can encrypt your hardware and lock you out.
Why & Where Cybersecurity is Important?
Security of our financial records
We often share our important financial details on the internet. Whether they are bank accounts, credit cards, or debit card numbers, most of these things are somehow shared on the internet directly or indirectly. Without the proper security arrangements, it is not possible to keep this crucial data safe from the hackers.
Computer and mobile security
Whether you are a business owner or a simple individual, we all own the electronic devices which often connect with the internet. Our data is transmitted through the free space that allows hackers to detect and penetrate it easily. The cybersecurity becomes important whenever you try to send any information which is highly important for your business.
Cybersecurity is important for defense
In order to send and receive sensitive information that is related to the country’s defense, advanced cybersecurity systems must be there. The defense services use highly effective and accurate strategies to ensure a healthy flow of the required data. Whether the information is transmitted through the internet, or voice mediums, the cybersecurity systems help the teams to get rid of online threats.
To secure consumer rights
If you are an online customer, you own several rights that a website must not spoil. So, the government all over the world is paying its attention to this domain too. GDPR is its great example. It is ensuring data safety all over Europe with its effective strategies. So, if you are purchasing anything online, your data is collected, secured, and destroying under certain cybersecurity laws.
To ensure data safety over the internet
All the popular online internet giants are using their own cybersecurity services to ensure secure access to their information. This also helps them to enhance their recognition all over the world. When you use any type of service on the internet through any website, the information is being a transmitter and encrypted by several cybersecurity tactics.
In order to keep our private information safe from security threats, we all must be aware of the basic precautions when we use the internet. Lots of people and businesses are still facing huge losses because of cyber-attacks.
How should we get prepared for Cyber Attacks:-
Beware of phishing – Watch the domains & address of sender’s of all emails, landing pages, websites and SMS carefully. Don’t share your confidential information. And also wherever possible always use 2 step verification of your passwords.
Be alert on popups – Whenever you click on the popups, be alert and recheck the domain of landing page before taking any further action of download or sharing personal information.
Don’t Download Scam – Download always from authentic stores and websites.
Always keeps backup – Keep a regular backup of your file and folders.
In this Digital World, distance doesn’t matter. We should take preventive steps. But yes we want to request everybody let’s make this digital world threat free by stopping the penetration of this kind of harmful stuff.
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